Emptying a house is an incredibly tiresome process. There's me thinking we've given away all of the big things (or at least organised where they are going at the end of the week) so this should be quite quick.
5 hours later the spare room was at least emptied and everything taken apart for the tip or distribution. I had also lost all will to enter any other room in my house for fear of what I'm going to have to sort out next.

Can anyone explain to me why two people in one house sharing one double bed could possibly need 5 DUVETS!!! They are not even the all the same size as our bedding; have we carried these around two house moves for a reason! What part of our tiny minds made us think, keep that it might be useful?

Why did I still manage to find 27 cans of male deodorant, at various levels of use, scattered all over the house when Sam flew to Ho Chi Minh City on Friday? And someone please tell me what possessed Sam to buy so many when he hadn't managed to finish them yet?
Hopefully tomorrow will be more cheerful, at least I get to escape to the hairdressers for a few hours in the middle. What wonderful surprises will tomorrow's moving out phase bring?