I apologise there won't be many pictures today as information overload and jet lag are evil creatures so didn't really have time to think about pointing the camera at things. Will try to make up for it later.
The flight out was fine and fortunately a few of the other new teachers arrived at the same time so was good to get a chance to meet some people and chat about different experiences so far.
My school left me a welcome pack at the hotel I'm staying in which was an awesome surprise too.

However, they did organise the opportunity toget all the logistical things like bank account, mobile phone etc. sorted today. Most things seem simple but the tax looks like hell. Not sure I'm looking forward to filling in the tax return form next year; might be a bit of a debacle especially as it will have to cover two years.......
Mobile phone contracts out here are so reasonable compared to the UK. I'm getting the same deal but for 20 pounds a month less. Very excited about that.
Managed to meet up with nearly everyone who is starting new at my school to. I'm not the only one who is an international newbie so feeling reassured.
After our induction at the ESF HR centre we got to visit the school. It is up a blooming great hill and is basically built into the mountainside. It is not a very wide site but goes up and down forever. Nothing at all like Kennet in building but definitely very similar to Kennet in House System. It appears I am the only newbie that has had a proper House experience so I'm grateful that that will be very familiar to me. Everyone was very organised and friendly they have taken all my shipping in and given me a laptop already.
Feeling excited at the moment but I'm sure the house searching tomorrow will remove all the current buzz and leave me with a distinct sense of dread.
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