A 14km walk around HCMC to be precise; from Sam's flat down around District 1 and back through a lot of ridiculous traffic.
First job was not to die crossing the roads, the road are full of motorcycles that just drive however they feel at the time, including the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic. Stopping for people to cross is an unknown and red lights are decorative rather than paid attention to.

My first stop was a memorial to Thích Quảng Đức, the buddhist monk who burned himself to death in protest to the Vietnamese treatment of buddhists in the early 60's.
Then I headed to the Bitexco Tower, tallest building in HCMC. Didn't go up as it didn't open until 10am and I got there way too early.

Next, was a walk along Saigon River to a small park with a statue to Trần Hưng Đạo - the supreme commander of Vietnam who stopped the Mongols invading when they had taken over China and become the Yuan dynasty.
There were lots of people around watering the plants, which seems odd when they get downpours every afternoon here.

Working my way further into what is left of the French architecture, I passed the Saigon Opera House and several hotels to reach the Notre Dame Catherdral and The General Post Office next to it.
The Post Office |

You could wander around inside the cathedral and take a few pictures, there was at least 12 couples having their wedding photos done around here. Not sure if it is the same as China and they are being done before the wedding or if they were actually getting married today.
I passed through a couple of parks with lots of propaganda posters from
the Vietnamese army to get to Hồ Con Rùa, a lake roundabout with
My final stop, before lunch and shopping, was the Reunification Palace. I did go around inside but that needs a separate post.

Feet hurt now, will be glad of the spa day tomorrow :-)